Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Book 16 has arrived!

The world of Food Blogs has been so much fun! I have my favorite sites that I eagerly check-on for their update. The world has gotten much smaller since I started to blog. I've learned a bunch, met some incredible people. Found some great recipes and have aspired to improve my food-fotos. (still workin' on that!)

One of the most original ideas that has come down the wire is from Santos in Guam. He is sending out Moleskines to anybody that requests a 'book'. You have 6 pages to work with. Writing down your favorite recipe, or culinary inspirations, perhaps some creative artwork and then you send it off to the next person down the list. It seems to work extremely well. I received my book today and am in the process of including a little bit of 'me'!
Once I finish, I send Book 16 on to Annaline in Clubview South Africa. So Cool!
To join the fun, click on Santos' site.......1000 Recipes

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