For some reason, it was important to me to really master this particular dough when I graduated from cooking school.
I decided to participate and send in my recipe today, which means I open my blog to the public (I think). At the moment, no one has taken a gander at any of my posts! I feel safe!

This is the end result. Puff Pastry, made in the traditional way, I use the 4 double-turn method a pastry chef from the Cordon Bleu introduced me to. I rolled the dough out thin, and docked the bottom layer, a bit like a Mille Feuille. Then I added some parma ham, fresh pear and some Brie de Meaux. I used another docking tool for the top layer and this is 'my beauty'!

Another view of the 'rise'.....not too high, but enough for you to know, it is ho-made dough. I must say, I've enjoyed thinking about this little project this week.