Surfing around the blogs, I found Coconut and Lime! A great little blog, take a gander.
She posted a Olive & Artichoke Focaccia recipe. The recipe looked pretty easy, no biga, no overnight ferment. I had some fresh yeast in the fridge (surprised?) and thought I'd give her version a whirl!
Of course I had some artichokes from my favorite Sunday morning stop; Galleries Gourmand. I made up the dough, let it rise, pushed it out into the pan. Then let it rise again, right before sticking it in the oven I thinly sliced the artichokes and stuck in some rosemary sprigs. Any expat lady who has attended my cooking class knows that I HATE the taste and smell of rosemary. Yet, it does grow very well in my herb garden.

The great thing about this bread is the next day, it makes a terrific sandwich bread! Yes, this one is a keeper!