FYI, Mill Stone Market has an in-house bakery and when I walked in I was hit by fresh bread baking, delish. She also had a tray of chocolate chip cookies baking away. They feature a daily soup and sandwich. There are little tables to eat in, and one of my buddies said when she stopped in for lunch after a yoga class, all tables had filled up at noon.
If you think this recipe sounds like a winner to you, click on the recipe title link, and you too can find all the secrets to making this recipe. I did use a Bain Marie to ensure an even bake just like Melissa Clark suggested.
Always on the ready to fire up my blow torch, I did Brûlée the top with some Demerara sugar. My son deemed this dessert the Poor Man's Crème Brûlée.
:) hah I love the poor mans Brulée. Good luck
Thanks Julius!
I love tapioca pudding. I grew up with it, but the from-the-box version. Then I was reintroduced to the tapioca pearl when we lived in Brazil. It took me a while to put the two together because there it is often used for a more Jello-like dessert. Love the idea of a creme brulee topping on it!
Hi Lori,
Don't you love how a country can rub off on you in so many ways! Loved your St. Patty's post, great photos.
“I really like some of your posts…will bookmark your blog.”
I love your blog. Your most recent post made my mouth water! You are able to describe food in a way that evokes the exact moment of the flavour bursting on the tongue.
Thank-you, I really enjoyed reading.
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The above given recipe is really very nice. It is easy and tastes good. Thanks for such a great recipe.
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