Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tour Guide at the Branly

Sometimes when you 'live' in a city, you just get busy with the day to day and forget to get out and smell the roses.
Even in Paris!!
When you live here as long as I have you start to live life and take this incredible city for granted. When I drive into Paris, I see the Eiffel come into view, and it still does take my breath away. I've often told my son that the tower is 'his' landmark, since he was born here. More often than naught, I'm jockeying traffic running to and from an errand and just forgetting that there might be something new 'in town'.

I have driven by the Musee Branly for years. I've been going to the same guy to get my haircut since I've moved to France and glanced over at the building that was going up to and from his shop. I remember when the garden was planted in the facade of the building, my interest was really piqued! The opening of the museum came and went and the Musee Branly went on my 'to do' list. It is a long list.

Now that 'bearded baby' is back in town, I do like to blast some booty out of the chairs for a family day 'in town'. Next time you visit, you MUST spend some time at this place. It is such a beautiful museum, so modern, well lit, very comfortable. I can imagine cold rainy days spent exploring, there is so much to see. They have a great web-site and I noticed that they have two restaurants. One downstairs and the other upstairs called the Ombres. Well, it was time to splurge and start the summer out right. I got reservations (a must), but not a window seat. No matter, every seat has a view and it is magnificent!

The service was very pleasant and served correctly! Food was great as well! We had the 37euro menu which was good value. I absolutely fell in love with the china. They did serve wine in the trendy Riedel stemless "O" glasses. But the china was Raynaud, from the Thomas Keller collection. Don't you just love those espresso cups? So cool!

I'm sure no matter where you are living there is something that you have not taken the time to visit. It is time to blast your booty up and get out. I need to get the guide books back out and re-appreciate this glorious city I am lucky enough to reside in!


Unknown said...

I like your blog (found it through open directory). You should consider adding some entries to (it's a food blogging website that I started). Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed your blog. There's a lot of zest for life in it.

Barbara said...

I treated ourselves to two of the Reidel O series pinot noir glasses to take with us on our Central Otago trip. We love them and I'm tempted to buy every varietal type now. As someone who talks with the hands a lot I can't knock them over.

Banlieue Blog said...

Hi Edward, Thanks so much for taking a look at my blog. I'll be checking your site out.

Anonymous, thanks for the comment, wish I had more time for zest, but I'm going to put that on my 'to do' list as well!

Barbara, I love that you take special glasses with you on your adventures! Your last sentence reminds me of a lunch in Florida where I knocked over a glass of white which splashed in a perfect arc on my husband!

Betty Carlson said...

The cups are okay, but I especially like your photo!

I know what you mean about not opening your eyes to the place you live. I started my France Profonde blog, in a way, for that reason...I realized Aveyron had just become the place I lived and worked, and I was missing out on how special it is.