Pain de Mie is a white sandwich bread. It is baked in a pan with a lid, when the dough starts to rise in the oven, the lid compresses the dough. The result is a dense crumb and a thin crust. Perfect for sandwiches, toast and it makes a wonderful vehicle for a canape.
The key to this bread is to fill enough dough into the pan and let it rise to 'just' the right height, put the lid on and stick it into a hot oven. I don't always judge this properly. But, like golf, you always are thinking about the next shot and I always think my next loaf will be the perfect one.
The French use this bread, sans the crust, as fresh bread crumbs (mie pain). Stick it in your food processor add some olive oil and fresh herbs and you have a lovely crust for a rack of lamb! I keep this bread in the freezer and cut of a hunk when I need bread crumbs. It is a great basic all around bread! It is made with milk instead of water. The milk makes for a tender bread. There is a bit of sugar added as well, I love the flavor!

hi, will be visiting paris sometime in the fall. hope you don't mind my asking, but i'd love to visit the place where you bought the pan for the pain de mie? thanks!
yes - now I am well into bread making - I want a Pain de Mie tin too.
--Hi Stef, Let me pass on some addresses for you. You can't come to Paris without seeing these cooking equipment institutions!
18-20 rue Coquillere
Metro: Les Halles
M.O.R.A. 13, rue Montmartre
Metro: Les Halles
A. Simon (2 stores)
52, rue Montmartre
Metro: Les Halles
* Dehillerin, the guys work on commision, look for Frank or Kim.
*Mora is the baking equipment paradise! (Read on for a US supplier for the bread pan)
---Hey Sam, Thanks for stopping by!
The Pain de Mie tin is called Pullman Loaf tin in the US. (something about a train, I think!)
You can buy on-line from OR
Try a yahoo/google search for a supplier in your area!
Have Fun!
thanks for the addresses! i buy from bridge from time to time but thought it'd be nice to go gadget shopping when we're in france!
that bread looks PERFECT!
I just want to put it out there that if you can keep soap away from those pans, and season them the way one would respect a cast iron, the pan can become fairy non-stick...
do you have any secrets for Dehilleron? I found them to be not so nice...
---Hey Shuna...Franc and Kim are the guys I deal with at Dehilleron. I just let them play expert and get my biz done, and get out. I like M.O.R.A. better, not that they are any nicer, it is store for us bakers!
(you are right on about no soap, I just wipe it clean, letting a patina build up)
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