Then the blinking orange modem light, well, this means I slam down 2 cups of strong coffee before dazzling some young techie with my linguistic skills! Needless to say, the dude hung up on me! I guess he doesn't drink coffee! Sometimes I dazzle and sometimes I don't!
Of course I have lived here long enough to know that if at first you don't
succeed......hit redial! I now have a new-generation modem on it's way, fingers crossed this old one will limp along!
Before this whole snow and modem thing happened, I hosted the Paris Cooking Gals in my home, remember when it was warm and sunny last week? I worked with 2 other girls and we came up with a menu that everyone helps to prepare. One of the girls wanted to do Moroccan food.....low and behold I taught a Moroccan Food class a few years back. I just happen to have a couple/three tajines and a 'brazier' to do the outdoor version on. This was going to be fun!
Paris is a real melting pot of culture, you can find most ingredients or unusual & authentic cooking vessels if you are willing to explore! Right up the street from the Flea Market of Clignancourt, you'll find the African and North African section. It is best if I'm not the driver because my driving skills are distracted by all the great shops and people watching.
On the rue de la Charbonniere you'll find a fantastic little shop with all the spices and Tajines that you might need! The prices are dirt cheap and the fellows that work in there are extremely nice! In other words, you don't need to spend a heap of money on a Le Crueset Tajine (unless you want too, of course). You almost feel like you are in 'the souk' if only the weather was a little warmer!

This was the aubergine, tomato, garlic and cilantro Tajine (Harissa to taste!). Part of the Mezze that we served. During the final stage of cooking you throw in some chopped feta cheese and devour with some Pita Crisps.
Now, lets close our eyes and wish for Spring. Tomorrow, ok!
Yumm, I am on a tagine craze right now, I love cooking with them. I got one at a flea market for 2 euros, woohoo! I should read your blog more often.
Hi Riana....Guess I could call you neighbor, but your weather is nicer than mine!
Great to meet ya' and I'll be reading your blog.
Check out the flickr site for photos of the tajine, my new version of blogger has a 'bug' and will erase my photos, hope they fix it soon!
Isn't it a bit late for snow Melissa.
Hi Barbara, I agree 100%!! It is late and I'm finished with the snow! My garden continues to bloom, my plants and herbs are in, fingers crossed!!
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