As you know, baking is all about chemistry. is a cooking class! I've taught hands-on in my home for a few years now. I understand the 'chemistry' of a class. You've got shy ladies, new ladies, know-it-all's. It is up to the instructor to bring the class together, create a fun atmosphere for learning and when they leave, they feel like they've experienced something special. I always hope that they feel like they can tackle what I taught. I'm not complaining about this particular class I took, I learned the technique that was taught. The class was flat, if that makes any sense!
Armed with my recipes and yet another planned shopping trip to MORA for molds, I am still thrilled with the opportunity to learn the art of French Viennoiserie!
More delicious things coming out of your oven; bake on!
I love the idea of minature kugelhopf. Any chance of the recipe?
Hi there, I am a huge fan of kouglofs. Just finished them today.
Making them really reminds me of the days in France last year. Next time I think I will have to join the pastry class.
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