Mediterranean Bread Class is looming next week. The ovens have been cleaned, the windows are washed.....the ladies are coming!
It is also time for me to play with dough! My favorite part, really!
I've used a simple Baguette Dough and shaped it into a Fougasse. The Fougasse is a French bread, shaped like a leaf and studded with olives, lardons or with what ever. The region speciality dictates what the Fougasse will have on it. Clay and I had a fantastic Fougasse in the Vosges Mountains near Strasbourg, this one was laden with Munster Cheese and lardons.....delicious! The one I made has green olives (no black olives in the pantry) and some of my Brushcetta spice mix.
I've also shaped some hamburger buns (turkey burgers for dinner) and made a Calzone-style bread. This guy is stuffed with some mozzarella and folded the dough over, and baked for lunch.

I have brushed them with olive oil and will pull out about 6 minutes into the baking, turn the baking sheets and brush again. The buns, when cooled will be put into a ziplock bag with a cotton tea towel to sweat and soften a bit.
Finished Fougasse and oozing cheese bread, yum!
Finished Fougasse and oozing cheese bread, yum!

Hi Melissa,
if you give me your email i can email you the tags to change your banner. It is very easy but i can't post it here as blogger the comment allows to use html tags.
my email is fanny_the_fairy@yahoo.fr
Lovely fougasse by the way.
Do you lead these Med. bread classes? Very impressive..the leaf-shaped bread is beautiful and its contents sound right up my alley!
I miss French bread so much!
Beautiful breads! This is my first time here, and I was wondering if you'd post the dough recipe. I'd love to make that fougasse.
The Fougasse looks great Melissa.
BTW I'm still looking for the canelé pans. All I can find here are the silicon ones which I don't want.
Would appreciate your help when you have time. My email is pinotgrisATgmailDOTcom
All the breads look great, Melissa. I've been wanting to try my had at a fougasse for some time now.
Hi Melissa, your fougasse looks great! Strangely enough I bought my first fougasse the other day in Paris but it was not nearly as speckled as yours! It was a fougasse aux lardons but I was hard pressed to find the lardons.. Im going to keep looking for one that looks more like yours :) (I have no oven so I cant bake my own. Very tragic)
--Fanny, Thanks for the tags, lets see if I can change my banner!
--MonaLi, yep, I teach a class on 'Med Breads' to expat ladies in the Paris area. Did you attend school here when you lived in Chatou?
--Hedvig, I'll try to post the recipe soon. Thanks for taking a peek at my blog!
--Barbara, I'll send you an 'e' and we can work something out, so you can start making Canneles!
--Nic, I expect to see your version of Fougasse posted, sometime soon!!
--Michele, NO OVEN....I hope you have room for one, the September appliance adverts will start appearing in your post-box this month, look for something!
The speckles on the Fougasse I made was just some creativity, no lardons in the fridge!! I found this amazing Bruschetta mix at Gallerie Gourmand in Porte Maillot...take a gander!
Melissa - Can I be one of your students? :) Everything looks great (I didn't know you could enlarge the pictures!)
--Keiko...I bet you could teach ME much. We should trade classes!
--Violet...you can skip the porc and just have olives and herbs!
Hi Melissa
I've tagged you for a meme.
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