Sometimes it is necessary to dig around and see just what is living in the dark parts of your pantry. I tend to hoard, for those
'just in case days'. Even after 20 years of Paris life I still
need to have certain American products around..
- A small selection of Campbells Soups (Cream of Tomato, for those after-flu days)
- I have broth and stocks (for those lazy cooking days)
- Reynolds Wrap (french foil is just too flimsy!)
- A small can of Crisco (fried chicken-n- country gravy!)
Here is the problem, when you are a 'hoarder' those
precious items stay in the pantry long after the shelf life, I've found soup from 1998 (is that still good?)!! I have started a 'list', I've got one for the freezer and have started one for my
precious items. Best intentions! Think of Golen, from Lord of the Rings, holding up 'His Precious'!

On this cool day in Paris, I decided to take a gander in my dried fruit and nut basket to see what I could throw into a batch of Biscotti. As mentioned before, I'm not a cookie baker and Biscotti seems to fill the need to replace those multiple failed cookie attempts. So far I haven't flubbed a batch. With a base recipe you can add whatever you find in the pantry!
Look what I found today. Some lovely dried cranberries, some dried bananas that have been enrobed with honey & Pistachios!

Such a tasty combination. Join me for a cup of tea on this cool afternoon -- Or are you too busy cleaning out your pantry!!
My lazy summer days have begun, although the chirping bird noises are being drowned out with World Cup games and yelling family members! Oh well! Sorry, Team USA.