Well, last night was his favorite meal at the local 'Italian'.....the night before it was a duplicate meal served soon after his arrival.
I had bought a couple of Cuisse de Dinde (turkey leg & thigh) after reading Mark Bittman's article on November 22 in the NYTimes. He was suggesting if you were sick of roasted turkey for Turkey Day you might want to Confit certain parts of the bird. I've always seen those thigh and legs sold in the grocery and wondered what the French might be doing with those......now I had a great reason to buy. I had also seen an article in Chow, last year, cooking Turkey two ways.
Mr. Bittman recommends using Olive Oil....I did this when my son first arrived in France for this holiday break. I was just cooking from on the fly, really.......thought I would put the confit together with some Pasta and the 'all important' broccoli. I wanted to get some vegetables down the kid!! I made a quick 'white sauce' added more 'veg' and some cheese.......and there you have dinner! He loved it.
You cover the turkey with oil and simmer gently.
This repeat was on his request list......another confit pasta bake. This time I used goose fat, and really, the result was better tasting!
Tonight is lamb with a reduction sauce. Tomorrow is Enchiladas......oh no.......then he goes back to college.
Remember my Croissant dough..well, I had some leftover and wanted to experiment. On to a quickie lunch. I'm getting ready to teach my Hands-On Croissant class and I think this might be a winner to serve for lunch along with a nice green salad. I love teaching a hands-on class, you get to interact, joke and tease and hopefully the student goes home with a new passion or skill!
I had a well ripened Camembert ready to use, some salami, my Cranberry dipping sauce, lets see, some honey and pine nuts.
***Learn from my mistake, I rushed the 'rise' by heating the oven a bit and placing a hot water pan on the oven floor. I didn't get the rise I was looking for, and I won't do that again. I did, however get a taste that was very delicious and worthy of my class! The cheese melted into the dough, the cranberry sauce brought a tart bite along for the ride, the rest just added to the flavor to make it a perfect lunch/brunch dish. I think you can add just about whatever you have on-hand in the fridge. You might like to grate a little cheese from the Alps on top (thanks Mary!).

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